Krista Warden and her music have traveled a winding and wonderful road from her childhood in Utah to Paris, France to her current home in Brooklyn New York. From singing in the churches of Salt Lake City, she traveled west with her accordion, mandolin, guitar and distinctive voice to pursue music and dance in Seattle, Washington. There her voice lead the electronic-indie outfit Plan B, traveling the United States and playing festivals like SBSW, CMJ and Bumbershoot.

In 2005, Krista and her instruments set out on a solo expedition to the East Coast. Settling in New York City, she began performing her own songs under the name AFTERNOON. She played the music venues of Brooklyn and Manhattan, where her warm voice and heartrending lyrics soared over her delicate finger-picking, gaining her the quick and unwavering attention of fans and music professionals alike. Soon she was recording a handful of songs which became her first EP, Home Is You, released in February 2010 on Upshot records.
.Krista’s live performances embody the intimate beauty of her songwriting: quirky and graceful, vivacious and thoughtful. Hers is a talent not to be missed or forgotten.”